Hashing functions in SQL Server work as cryptographic instruments to produce distinct fixed-size hash values from input data. This compilation features a variety of hash algorithms, all of which are intended to provide unique hash values for a given input string.

  • Once-commonly used MD2, MD4, and MD5 algorithms produce hashes with a length of 128 bits. But now since they have flaws, they are considered insecure.
  • SHA1 and SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm): These algorithms, which are members of the SHA family, generate hash values with different bit lengths. Even while SHA-1 was once in use, its flaws have made it obsolete in favor of safer substitutes.
  • SHA2_256 and SHA2_512: These members of the SHA-2 family provide hash values of 256 and 512 bits, respectively, and are presently regarded as secure in the context of cryptography.

1. Message Digest Algorithm 2, or MD2
A cryptographic hash function called MD2 generates a hash value of 128 bits. Although this older method is renowned for being straightforward, it has flaws and is no longer advised for use in situations where security is a concern.

As an illustration
SELECT HASHBYTES('MD2', 'Hello, World!') AS [MD2 HashValue];

2. MD4 (Message Digest Algorithm 4)
MD4 is a cryptographic hash function designed to produce a 128-bit hash value. It's also considered obsolete and insecure due to vulnerabilities.

SELECT HASHBYTES('MD4', 'Hello, World!') AS [MD4 HashValue];

3. Message Digest Algorithm 5, or MD5
A popular cryptographic hash algorithm that produces a 128-bit hash result is MD5. However, it is no longer regarded as secure for essential applications because of weaknesses and collision attacks.

As an illustration
SELECT HASHBYTES('MD5', 'Hello, World!') AS [MD5 HashValue];

4. SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm)
The SHA family of cryptographic hash algorithms consists of SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3, and SHA-0 (deprecated). More secure versions of SHA-0 and SHA-1 are gradually replacing the deemed weaker ones.

SELECT HASHBYTES('SHA', 'Hello, World!') AS [SHA HashValue];

5. SHA1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1)
A 160-bit hash value is generated by SHA-1. Although it was widely used, vulnerabilities have caused it to be deprecated. Collision attacks were successful because of its flaws.


SELECT HASHBYTES('SHA1', 'Hello, World!') AS [SHA1 HashValue];

6. SHA2_256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2 - 256 bit):
SHA-256 is part of the SHA-2 family and generates a 256-bit hash value. It's currently considered secure and widely used for various cryptographic applications.


SELECT HASHBYTES('SHA2_256', 'Hello, World!') AS [SHA2_256 HashValue];

7. SHA2_512 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2 - 512 bit)
SHA-512, another member of the SHA-2 family, produces a 512-bit hash value. It's a more secure and larger variant of SHA-256.


SELECT HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', 'Hello, World!') AS [SHA2_512 HashValue];

A variety of hash algorithms are available in SQL Server, and each one creates distinct hash values from input strings. Although SHA-1 and MD5 were once widely used, their flaws now warn against using them. As a safe substitute, the SHA-2 family, which includes SHA2_256 and SHA2_512, is used instead.

Selecting an algorithm that strikes a balance between security requirements and performance is crucial. Database professionals can strengthen security protocols and data integrity in SQL Server configurations by understanding these hashing subtleties.

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