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European WCF Hosting - HostForLIFE.eu :: Why Should We Use WCF?

clock August 28, 2020 07:58 by author Peter

What is WCF?
WCF stands for ‘Windows Communication Foundation’. It is a Microsoft platform for building distributed and interoperable applications.

What is a distributed application?
A distributed application is an application where part of it runs on two or more computer nodes. Distributed applications are called ‘Connected systems’ also.

Now, let us see the above diagram where a Windows application is stored on one computer and the web service that it is consuming is running on another computer (which can be situated anywhere in the world). Well, this is a connected system.

Why build distributed applications?
    An enterprise application may need to use the service provide by other enterprise, For example, an ecommerce application using Paytm for payments.

    For better scalability
    Scalability of an application implies the number of visitors an application can handle without degrading the performance. We can break down the application into different layers that run on different computers. Each of these computers will have its own memory and processor, which helps with improving the scalability of the application.

What is an interoperable application?
An application that can communicate with any other application that is built on any platform is called an interoperable application. Web Services can communicate with any application built on any platform, whereas .NET remoting service can be consumed only by another .NET application.

Why should we use WCF?

Without WCF,

Consider a situation where we have 2 clients and we need to implement a service for them.

The first client is using a Java application to interact with our services. This client wants a message to be in XML format and the protocol to be in HTTP. Without WCF, to satisfy the first client requirement, we will have to create an ASMX web service.

The second Client is using .NET and for better performance, this client wants a message format in binary format and protocol to be in TCP. Without WCF, to satisfy the second client requirement, we will create a .NET Remoting service.


.NET remoting and ASMX are two different technologies, and have completely different programming models. Therefore, developers have to learn two different technologies, which is not only time and cost consuming but needs two people with expertise.

So to unite and bring all these communication technologies under one roof, Microsoft has come up with a single programming model that is called WCF. WCF is going to unify everything, such as .NET Remoting, IPC, MSMQ queue, TCP, Peer networking, and all other communication technologies we have.

With WCF
With WCF, for both the clients, we will implement only one service and to satisfy the requirement of different clients, we will configure different end points.

What Is WCF? Why Should We Use WCF?
Here, the first endpoint will transport a message in XML format over HTTP protocol and the second endpoint will transport the message in binary format over TCP protocol. Here, we don’t need to change the service code to configure these endpoints. Now, if we have a third client who needs a binary message over HTTP protocol, to satisfy that client requirement, all we need to do is to create a new endpoint.

So, we have a single service but then to satisfy the requirements of different clients, we are creating/configuring different endpoints.

European PHP Hosting - HostForLIFE.eu :: MySQL PHP MVC CRUD Without Framework

clock August 14, 2020 12:50 by author Peter

This tutorial is for beginners or students. I created a functionality to add, edit and delete a record in PHP with MVC logic without Framework. Also,  explained how to create an MVC pattern in PHP. I hope it will be helpful for you to add a data table in your program.

Building Our MVC Framework Pattern in PHP
You might be wondering why we would even need to create our own framework when there are already so many good choices out there. The reason for this is so that we can gain an understanding of the underlying principles of MVC.

As we learn more about these principles, we will grow in our understanding of why the excellent MVC frameworks do things the way they do. We are not learning how to create an application in Zend Framework, or in CakePHP. We are learning how MVC works, and by extension, how these frameworks have built upon (or deviated from) the way in which we would expect an MVC framework to be built.
Section 1

Config.php is used to connect the mysql database to create a connection parameter for mysql host,user,password and database name.
class config   
function __construct() { 
$this->host = "localhost"; 
$this->user  = "root"; 
$this->pass = "welcome"; 
$this->db = "mydb13"; 


A small part of the code in index.php is used to setup a controller object and call mvcHandler() to view the default page list.php.
require_once  'controller/sportsController.php';         
$controller = new sportsController();    

In the model folder, create one class for table structure, its named sports and has field and message field to hold messages and data.
class sports 

// table fields 
public $id; 
public $category; 
public $name; 
// message string 
public $id_msg; 
public $category_msg; 
public $name_msg; 
// constructor set default value 
function __construct() 



Section 2
The second section is a sportsModel class structure. We are going to explain and show insertRecord(), updateRecord(),selectRecord() and insertRecord(). The sportsModel class is used to access the function sportsController. The sportsModel class constructor receives a mysql connection parameter to work with the database.

class sportsModel 

// set database config for mysql 
function __construct($consetup) 

$this->host = $consetup->host; 
$this->user = $consetup->user; 
$this->pass =  $consetup->pass; 
$this->db = $consetup->db;                                 

// open mysql data base 
public function open_db() 

$this->condb=new mysqli($this->host,$this->user,$this->pass,$this->db); 
if ($this->condb->connect_error)  

die("Erron in connection: " . $this->condb->connect_error); 

// close database 
public function close_db() 


// insert record 
public function insertRecord($obj){ } 
//update record 
public function updateRecord($obj){ } 
// delete record 
public function deleteRecord($id){ }    
// select record      
public function selectRecord($id){ } 


Section 3
Section 3 is the controller code part. The sportsController has mvcHandler() and the CRUD functions insert(), update(),delete() and list(). mvcHandler() receives request and execute. This request shows views according to call request by user.
// insert record 
public function insertRecord($obj) 

    $query=$this->condb->prepare("INSERT INTO sports (category,name) VALUES (?, ?)"); 
    $res= $query->get_result(); 
    return $last_id; 

catch (Exception $e)  

    throw $e; 

//update record 
public function updateRecord($obj) 

    $query=$this->condb->prepare("UPDATE sports SET category=?,name=? WHERE id=?"); 
    $query->bind_param("ssi", $obj->category,$obj->name,$obj->id); 
    return true; 

catch (Exception $e)  

    throw $e; 

// delete record 
public function deleteRecord($id) 
    $query=$this->condb->prepare("DELETE FROM sports WHERE id=?"); 
    return true;     

catch (Exception $e)  

    throw $e; 
// select record      
public function selectRecord($id) 


        $query=$this->condb->prepare("SELECT * FROM sports WHERE id=?"); 
    {$query=$this->condb->prepare("SELECT * FROM sports");    }        
    return $res; 

catch(Exception $e) 

    throw $e;    


Section Four
Section four is the view part, when mvcHandler() receives a request and executes the request, it shows views for user. We have created three views in the view folder, which is insert, update and list, which all have HTML design. These views work with controller, and the controller works with model to get or set records in a database table.
<div class="wrapper">   
<div class="container-fluid">   
<div class="row">   
<div class="col-md-12">   
    <div class="page-header clearfix">   
        <a href="index.php" class="btn btn-success pull-left">Home</a>   
        <h2 class="pull-left">Sports Details</h2>   
        <a href="view/insert.php" class="btn btn-success pull-right">Add New Sports</a>   
        if($result->num_rows > 0){   
            echo "<table class='table table-bordered table-striped'>";   
                echo "<thead>";   
                    echo "<tr>";   
                        echo "<th>#</th>";                                           
                        echo "<th>Sports Category</th>";   
                        echo "<th>Sports Name</th>";   
                        echo "<th>Action</th>";   
                    echo "</tr>";   
                echo "</thead>";   
                echo "<tbody>";   
                while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){   
                    echo "<tr>";   
                        echo "<td>" . $row['id'] . "</td>";                                           
                        echo "<td>" . $row['category'] . "</td>";   
                        echo "<td>" . $row['name'] . "</td>";   
                        echo "<td>";   
                        echo "<a href='index.php?act=update&id=". $row['id'] ."' title='Update Record' data-toggle='tooltip'><i class='fa fa-edit'></i></a>";   
                        echo "<a href='index.php?act=delete&id=". $row['id'] ."' title='Delete Record' data-toggle='tooltip'><i class='fa fa-trash'></i></a>";   
                        echo "</td>";   
                    echo "</tr>";   
                echo "</tbody>";                               
            echo "</table>";   
            // Free result set   
        } else{   
            echo "<p class='lead'><em>No records were found.</em></p>";   

This article showed and explained to beginners how to make an MVC framework pattern in PHP. You might be wondering why we would even need to create our own framework when there are already so many good choices out there. The reason for this is so we can gain an understanding of the underlying principles of MVC.

About HostForLIFE.eu

HostForLIFE.eu is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

We have offered the latest Windows 2016 Hosting, ASP.NET Core 2.2.1 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting and SQL 2017 Hosting.

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