DotNetNuke is a web application framework that is open source using VB.NET language. Application of CMS can be expanded through the use of modules and skins so this application is used to create, deploy, and set up intranets, extranets and websites. DotNetNuke Professional Edition include the addition of security, stability, and support of products and applications warranty, and is available in a cheaper price than other applications.

Moreover DotNetNuke is very easy to install on your PC. So the discussion this time. I will discuss how to install DotNetNuke on your PC. In general, DotNetNuke installation process does not take more than 15 minutes. But if you encounter an error, please check the back, make sure you have meet the minumum requirements for hardware and software you have to install DotNetNuke.
How To Install DotNetNuke 7 on your PC?
- Create a folder on a Web server where DotNetNuke will be executed. For example, in this manual use the folder C: \ DotNetNuke, however, you can choose the location and name of the other. Set permission on this folder so that IIS uses the account "Full Control".
If IIS has not got the permissions "Full Control", right click on the root folder. Click "Sharing and Security" followed by the Security tab. If the Security tab does not exist, you have to "turn off" file sharing simply by choosing Tools> Folder Options, and then click the View tab. Uncheck the option "Use simple file sharing" and click OK. You can now right-click the root folder and access the Security tab
On the Security tab, tick-related accounts that have permissions "Full Control" to this folder (Windows XP using the account ASPNET and other editions of Windows using the account NETWORK SERVICE).
- If you are using SQL Server, it is necessary to configure the DotNetNuke order to access the database. To do this open the file C: \ DotNetNuke \ web.config using Notepad application.
Note : If you use the SQL Express configuration, there is no need for additional configuration INSTALL package is configured to use SQL Express by default.
- Remove the following line at the connectionStrings:
<Add name = "SiteSqlServer" connectionString = "Data Source =. \ SQLExpress; AttachDBFilename = | DataDirectory | Database.mdf; Integrated Security = True; User Instance = True" providerName = "System.Data.SqlClient" />
- Delete this line in the appSettings:
<Add key = "SiteSqlServer" value = "Data Source" =. \ SQLExpress; AttachDBFilename = | DataDirectory | Database.mdf; Integrated Security = True; User Instance = True "/>
- Delete and edit the following line in the connectionStrings section to match the host name Database server and access your identity:
<Add name = "SiteSqlServer" connectionString = "Server = (local); Database = DotNetNuke; uid =; pwd =;" providerName = "System.Data.SqlClient" />
- Delete and edit the following line in the appSettings section to match the host name Database server and access your identity:
<Add key = "SiteSqlServer" value = "Server = (local); Database = DotNetNuke; uid =; pwd =;" />
- Save and close the web.config file. You can also store backup files with names web.config.bak as a precaution when the installation process fails and you need to start over.
- Open the IIS Management Console application Start> Control Panel> Administrative Tools and expand Default Web Site. Create a new Virtual Directory named DotNetNuke then navigate to the folder C:\DotNetNuke. You can choose another name for the Virtual Directory liking (if you do, it needs to be adjusted on the instruction "DotNetNuke Wizard") DotNetNuke 7.4 Hosting revolutionized hosting with Plesk Control Panel, a Web-based interface that provides customers with 24x7 access to their server and site configuration tools. Plesk completes requests in seconds. It is included free with each hosting account. Renowned for its comprehensive functionality - beyond other hosting control panels - and ease of use, Plesk Control Panel is available only to HostForLIFE's customers. They offer a highly redundant, carrier-class architecture, designed around the needs of shared hosting customers.