Full Trust European Hosting

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Angular.js Hosting UK - HostForLIFE.eu :: Double Click Event in AngularJS

clock April 18, 2019 11:46 by author Peter

This article explains double-click events in AngularJS. we've already explained mouse events exploitation AngularJS in my previous article Mouse Events exploitation AngularJS. currently during this article i'm explaining the ng-dblclick directive of AngularJS.

This allows you to specify custom behaviour on a double-click event of the mouse on the web page. we will use it (ng-dblclick) as an attribute of the HTML component like:
<ANY_HTML_ELEMENT  ng-dblclick="{expression}">  

Use the subsequent procedure to make a sample of a double-click event using AngularJS. First of all, you would like to add an external Angular.js file to your application, for this you'll be able to visit the AngularJS official website or transfer my source code then fetch it or click on this link and download it: ANGULARJS. once downloading the external file you would like to add this file to the head section of your application. Now, I'll show you the way to use the ng-dblclick directive. I am making a TextBox and button and binding the TextBox using the ng-model directive and therefore the button using the ng-dblclick directive. The code is as follows:
    <input ng-model="name" type="text" />
    <button ng-dblclick="Msg='Hello '+name">
        Double Click

Here the TextBox ties with ng-demonstrate, The catch is bound with ng-dblclick and inside the ng-dblclick I have composed 'Hello  '+name. Where Hello is a string and name is a variable that contains the value of the input TextBox. This button will work when you double-click on it.

And here is the code that I used:
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app>
    <script src="angular.min.js"></script>
    <input ng-model="name" type="text" />
    <button ng-dblclick="Msg='Hello '+name">
        Double Click

Here is the Output, when Page loads:

HostForLIFE.eu AngularJS Hosting
HostForLIFE.eu is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes. We have customers from around the globe, spread across every continent. We serve the hosting needs of the business and professional, government and nonprofit, entertainment and personal use market segments.

European Entity Framework Hosting - HostForLIFE.eu :: What Is Entity Framework And How Entity Framework Core Is Different?

clock April 12, 2019 12:13 by author Peter

Entity Framework (EF) is Object Relational Mapper(ORM) for .NET. In simple words, it is a collection of libraries that connect the objects in code with the schema. EF is a bit different than other ORMs. It has a mapping layer between domain classes and schema. It is Microsoft’s recommended data access technology. Of course, data access can be achieved by writing your own DAL (Data Access Layer) using ADO.NET or by using third-party mappers like Dapper but EF is a persistent and open source framework supported by Microsoft. It is possible to perform full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. EF can help in the consistency of task, developer's productivity, and LINQ syntax helps to use any RDBMS (regardless of SQL writing style ie: Oracle or SQL Server). Actually, the purpose of EF is to let developers focus on the domain, not on the database.

There are mainly three workflows for Entity Framework.

Database-first approach
In this workflow, a database is created first with all tables and related objects (i.e, stored procedures). Entity Framework creates domain classes using the Entity Data Model Wizard. In this approach, most of the efforts are focused on designing database structures. It is a traditional approach which many developers are doing for years.
This approach suites when different teams like DBA design the database and programmers are supposed to integrate the database with an application or when requirements/goal are not clear and changes in the database are incremental. Or, if you have already one long-lasting stable database and you have a scenario to use an existing database – well, it is still possible to convert an existing database to code-first approach (reverse engineering is challenging in some scenarios but it is doable).

  • You can start initial development soon.
  • Existing databases can be utilized easily
  • If there are requirements like to have stored procedures, triggers, and table columns in a certain order (this feature is added in EF 2.1 now) then this workflow has an advantage over code first
  • If you need GUI for designing. For example: In SQL Server you can generate database diagrams and create or update objects from there.


  • The sync of changes is not easy. For example, you make changes in schema or table which you need to sync on your different working environments. You would need an external tool or do it manually.
  • If you are interested in version control like Git or SVN, then you cannot do it with database first. EDMX has no history of changes.
  • Sometimes, changes in structures of the database are complicated to update EDMX
  • Classes generated in this approach are auto-generated

Code-first approach
In this approach, we first create domain classes and then EF generates database tables. It is possible to create POCO classes (business objects) and you have complete control of it. You can write classes with properties which generate tables with columns using Migration process. Along with migration, the History table is also generated which can give you a version control feature.
This is a good approach if you are the programmer and you are the one who designs the database as well. This approach is useful if changes in the database are more, the application is scalable and needs tracking as well.
The database sync is easy for environments using migration. It is a really needed feature which makes it possible to upgrade or downgrade any change/commit.
You get control on the code so you can validate fields from classes as well

No GUI so you need programming experience
We do not have real full control on the database, of course, EF is releasing a new version with many new features but let's say: It is not possible to create or remove trigger or stored procedures from EF until we use SQL in Context class.

Model-first approach
In simple words, this approach is based on the GUI. All you need is to create entities and relationships on EDMX design surface so it is like a UML diagram. From the Entity Data Model wizard, you can choose the Designer model and create your entities all in GUI. When you are done with your design, you can choose “Generate Database from model” to auto-generate domain classes and database. This approach can be useful if a data structure is big and you need very little control on the database. For example, if you need triggers or stored procedures or custom business logic on fields of entities, then you should consider either database first or code first.
The visual design interface can help to create entities easily in a short time
Programming experience not needed

Auto-generated code is a limitation here
Little control on database
Sometimes, EMDX auto-generated scripts still need modification which needs good SQL level of expertise to get a workaround.

How Entity Framework Core is different than Entity Framework?
Entity Framework Core(EF Core) is lightweight (collection of composable API), cross-platform (Linux, Windows, UWP) and extensible (with modern software practices). EF Core works with .NET Core but with .NET Core, it is recommended to use EF Core. Of course, all the features are not released yet and there are many features which are missing. The EDMX/Designer is missing in EF Core so model first is not possible with EF Core without using third party tools. EF Core supports both, database-first and code-first, approaches. Database first with EF Core is like; it reverse engineers the existing database which later can be used as code first. So, if you want to say strictly then database first is not fully supported. EF Core supports not only RDBMS(SQL Server, Oracle, etc.) but also non-relational stores and in-memory databases which can be used for unit testing.
In my opinion about workflows, there is no good or bad approach but our specific requirement helps to decide which one to choose. But, whatever flow you choose - never mix different workflows in one project.

European Visual Studio 2017 Hosting - HostForLIFE.eu :: Visual Studio Short Keys And Tips

clock March 22, 2019 11:01 by author Peter

Every developer who uses Visual Studio should know or be familiar with the shortcuts which I am going to share here. I hope it will be helpful to the freshers and even the experienced software developer friends.

Visual Studio Shortcut Keys and Tips

  1. Every developer should learn the difference between the concept of running an application in normal mode and in debug mode. Most of the freshers do not know this concept and run the application using F5 or clicking the RUN button in the menu bar of Visual Studio. But when it comes to the performance of Visual Studio and speed, we should know that F5 is used for running the application in debugging mode and for running the application without debugging, it is Ctrl+F5.

    So, in simple words, if the developer wants to start the application in debugging mode, press F5; otherwise press Ctrl+F5.
  2. To put the breakpoints in the code use F9. For this, we have to put the control at the specific line of code and press F9. Debugging is basically used to check the result or see the values which is coming as per expectation. Now if we run the application the control will come to that specific control and then we can see whether the values are coming as per our expectation or not. If it is the method then we have the concept of step in and step out. We use step in  to get into that specific method and to inspect the values in the method; for this we use F11. Step Out is used to see the output of the method, and the F10 key is used.
  3. As a developer, it is very important to write the code in proper format but most of the developers do not follow it (laughing) as their mind and soul waits to complete the task or module. But after some time of development of the code, they feel that the code should be formatted properly for the sake of better understanding and to troubleshoot (i.e debugging). For that purpose Visual Studio has a formatting concept through which we can format the document. To format the document we can use Ctrl+K,d.
  4. Sometimes, we write code which is not used at present but maybe it will  be needed for some other cases or for some specific attribute afterward for any specific conditions. We can comment the code by using Ctrl+K, C which will comment on the selected code.
  5. To remove a comment for the specific code, we can use Ctrl+K, U in Visual Studio.

Hope these small and useful tips will help you guys. I will provide more shortcuts for developers in the next blog.


Windows Server 2016 SSD Hosting - HostForLIFE.eu :: Server And Service Health Check And IP Capture For Bulk Servers

clock March 14, 2019 11:40 by author Peter

This Script will help in checking the below basic functionalities of the Bulk Servers. It will do so during Migration, Patch and Monthly Restart activities

This Script is added with the below functionalities, 

  1. IP Capture -- >Collects the DNSHostName,Description,DHCPEnabled,IPAddress,IpSubnet,DefaultIPGateway,MACAddress,DNSServerSearchOrder for all Enabled and IP Discovered NICs
  2. Services Status -- >It checks all the Services Automatic set and not Stopped services and provides the output.
  3. Server Status –- >Checks the Servers reachability and provides the output on screen
  4. Server Shutdown/Reboot -- >Checks the server status and perform Bulk Shutdown / Restart at once with Event Description Keyed.

Output Samples

European Visual Studio 2017 Hosting - HostForLIFE.eu :: How To Organize Classes Using Namespaces?

clock February 13, 2019 10:23 by author Peter

Today, in this article, we shall see what namespace actually does and how to organize the classes using namespaces. We use namespaces to organize classes into a logically related hierarchy. Namespaces function as both an internal system for organizing our application and an external way to avoid name collision between source code and application. Because more than one company may create a class with the same name, such as Employee, when we create code, that may be seen or used by third parties. It’s highly recommended that we shall organize our classes by using a hierarchy of namespaces. By practising this, we can avoid interoperability issues on application.

To create a namespace, we simply type a keyword namespace followed by the name. It is recommended to use Pascal case for namespaces.

It is also recommended that you create at least two-tiered namespaces, which is one that contains two levels of classification, separated by a period.

Let us see sample example of a two-tiered namespace.

namespace Infosys.Sales {  
    //define your classes within the namespace  
    public class customer() {}  

Above two-tiered namespace declaration is identical to writing each namespace in nested format, as shown in the following code. 


namespace CompanyName {  
    namespace Sales {  
        public class Customer() {}  

In both cases, we refer to class by using the following code.



We should avoid creating a class with the same name as namespace.

Commonly used namespaces in .NET Framework
Microsoft .NET Framework is made of many namespaces, the most important one being System. The System namespace contains classes that most of the applications use to interact with operating system.

For example, the system namespace contains the console class which provides several methods, including WriteLine, which is a command that enables us to write code to an on-screen console.

We can access WriteLine method of console as follows.

System.Console.WriteLine("Prem Kumar Rathrola");   

A few of other namespaces that are provided by .NET Framework through the system namespace are listed below. 

  • System.Windows.Forms
    Provides the classes that are useful for building applications based on windows. 
  • System.IO
    Provides classes for reading and writing data to files

  • System.Data
    Provides classes that are useful for data access

  • System.Web
    Provides classes that are useful for building web forms applications

Europe SQL 2017 Hosting - HostForLIFE.eu :: Delete Duplicate Rows From a Table in MSSQL 2017

clock January 24, 2019 10:34 by author Peter

For every table, we tend to use a primary key or distinctive key for distinct values, however generally we'll encounter a problem with duplicate records. it's a significant issue with duplicate rows. thus we want to delete duplicate records to resolve it. So here i'll make an example to explain delete duplicate rows in MSSQL 2017 Hosting.

First we create a simple database with one table for membership that contains: a Member's ID, Membership type, Firstname,  Lastname and Birthday:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Membership](
[MemberID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
[MemberType] [int] NOT NULL,
[Firstname] [varchar](80) NOT NULL,
[Lastname] [varchar](80) NOT NULL,
[Birthday] [date] NOT NULL

Now, insert the following rows into this table:

INSERT INTO dbo.Membership (MemberID, Firstname, Lastname, MemberType, Birthday) VALUES
('001', 'Peter', 'Smith', 1, convert(datetime, '05/23/1988', 0))
INSERT INTO dbo.Membership (MemberID, Firstname, Lastname, MemberType, Birthday) VALUES
('002', 'Scott', 'Davidson', 1, convert(datetime, '07/10/1983', 0))
INSERT INTO dbo.Membership (MemberID, Firstname, Lastname, MemberType, Birthday) VALUES
('002', 'Scott', 'Davidson', 1, convert(datetime, '07/10/1983', 0))

INSERT INTO dbo.Membership (MemberID, Firstname, Lastname, MemberType, Birthday) VALUES
('003', 'Kevin', 'Richard', 1, convert(datetime, '04/24/1985', 0))

We currently have duplicated Scott Davidson’s entry (MemberID 2), with no clearly safe method of removing the duplicate, whereas leaving at least one entry intact. Now, imagine if you had a complete databse of information with a whole lot or thousands of duplicates. Fixing this by hand quickly becomes an impossible task!

To solve this, first we can add an column using the IDENTITY keyword so we currently have a unique method of addressing every row:

We can then we can use:
FROM dbo.Membership GROUP BY MemberID)

Which will properly choose all duplicated records in our database (always worth checking before running the delete query!).  Once we are happy this is working for us, we can then run the delete query:

FROM dbo.Membership GROUP BY MemberID)

Windows Hosting Europe - HostForLIFE.eu :: How To Use ServerSide Processing With jQuery Datatable?

clock January 15, 2019 10:37 by author Peter

What is the benefits of using  ServerSide Processing with JQuery Datatable? I personally found two important benefits of using ServerSide Processing with Datatable. We can handle more data using JQuery Datatable. Data can load quickly from the Database server .

Follow the following steps to use ServerSide processing with Datatable.

Step 1
Add JQuery  Js file  ,and Jquery Datatable css and Js file as shown in the below figure.

Add the following script to your .aspx page.
<!-- DataTables CSS --> 
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.dataTables/1.9.4/css/jquery.dataTables.css"> 

<!—jQuery Js --> 
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script> 

<!-- DataTables  JQuery file--> 
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.dataTables/1.9.4/jquery.dataTables.min.js"></script> 

Step 2
Create one WebService to Getdata (Here I am using asp.net WebService to get data). You can see  my Solution Explorer . I have two web pages and one service, and the name of the service is webService.asmx.


Step 3
Create method inside service which will return data to bind Jquery Datatable.
    public void HelloWorld() 
        List<MyClass> lst = new List<MyClass>(); 
        int i = 0; 
        while (i < 10000) 
            lst.Add(new MyClass() { Empid = "1", Name = "Ar"}); 
            lst.Add(new MyClass() { Empid = "2", Name = "Br" }); 
            lst.Add(new MyClass() { Empid = "3", Name = "Cr" }); 
            i = i + 1; 
       var mydata=new DataTable() 
        JavaScriptSerializer js=new JavaScriptSerializer(); 
        js.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue; 

In the above code you can see that I have defined one function named HelloWorld. editsInside the HelloWorld function I have used three classes.These three classes are MyClass, DataTable and JavaScriptSerializer. Now defined the MyClass inside the service class as I have defined below.

public class MyClass 

    public string Empid { get; set; } 
    public string Name { get; set; } 

Now define the second class DataTable as I have defined below.
public class DataTable 

    public int iTotalRecords { get; set; } 
    public int iTotalDisplayRecords { get; set; } 
    public List<MyClass> aaData { get; set; } 

JavaScriptSerializer class is  available inside System.Web.Script.Serialization namespace.Add this namespace to your service class.

Design Table from the following code.
<table id="example" class="display" width="100%" cellspacing="0"> 
        <th >Employee Id</th> 
        <th >Name</th> 

Step 5
Now use Ajax to call Service method and bind data to Jquery Datatable as shown in the below code.

$(document).ready(function () 

"bProcessing": true, 
"sAjaxSource": "WebService.asmx/HelloWorld", 
"sServerMethod": "post", 
"aoColumns": [ 

               { mData: 'Empid' }, 
               { mData: 'Name' },  



Step 6
Now run your application and see the result.

DotNetNuke Hosting - HostForLIFE.eu :: Changing Default DotNetNuke Text Editor

clock January 8, 2019 11:18 by author Peter

Maybe you're wondering after done an upgrade to a newer version in Dotnetnuke (DNN), your text rich editor is still on the old version. In this tutorial, I will show you how you can switch between the old and the new text editor quickly. 

To change the default text editor provider of your website is pretty easy. To do it, just open your web.config file located on your root folder. Then, look for the following words:

Below is the full sample text grabbed from the web.config file.

<htmleditor defaultprovider="DotNetNuke.RadEditorProvider">
    <add name="TelerikEditorProvider" type="DotNetNuke.HtmlEditor.TelerikEditorProvider.EditorProvider, DotNetNuke.HtmlEditor.TelerikEditorProvider" providerpath="~/Providers/HtmlEditorProviders/Telerik/" toolsfile="~/Providers/HtmlEditorProviders/Telerik/Config/ToolsDefault.xml" configfile="~/Providers/HtmlEditorProviders/Telerik/Config/ConfigDefault.xml" filterhostextensions="True"></add>

    <add name="DotNetNuke.RadEditorProvider" type="DotNetNuke.Providers.RadEditorProvider.EditorProvider, DotNetNuke.RadEditorProvider" providerpath="~/DesktopModules/Admin/RadEditorProvider"></add>


If you want to switch around between TelerikEditorProvider or DotNetNuke.RadEditorProvider, uou just need to specify the name of the provider and place the default html provider name in the orange background location like this:

htmleditor defaultprovider="DotNetNuke.RadEditorProvider"

HostForLIFE.eu DotNetNuke 7.4 Hosting
HostForLIFE.eu is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes. We have customers from around the globe, spread across every continent. We serve the hosting needs of the business and professional, government and nonprofit, entertainment and personal use market segments.

WCF Hosting UK - HostForLIFE.eu :: Optional Parameters In WCF Service URI Template

clock December 21, 2018 10:09 by author Peter
WebGet(UriTemplate = "TestMessage/{p1}?firstname={firstname}&lastname={lastname}", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml)]  
string TestMessage(string message, string firstname = "", string lastname = ""); 

Whereas TestMessage is my service name and p1 parameter is compulsory whereas firstname and lastname parameters are optional but u have to specify in the URI Template but keep one thing in mind while declaring the parameters as optional u have to first preceed them with ? and then parameter name and then use & to assign the second parameter as option as per your requirement. If u see in the function declaration also i have used the optional parameter feature of .Net 4.0

Step 2 - Function Definition

public string TestMessage(string message,string firstname="",string lastname="")  
   string responsedata = string.Empty;   
   responsedata = message + "" + "FirstName: " + firstname + "" + "LastName: " + lastname;  
   return responsedata;  

How to call the Service,


Output1 - parameter1 Firstname: LastName

In the above output, only parameter1 will be returned as u didnot specify the other 2 parameters so they will get their value as "Empty"



Output2 - parameter1 Firstname:kamal LastName:rawat

so u will see in the above output u passed both the parameters so you got all the values.



Output2 - parameter1 Firstname:kamal LastName:
In the above output parameter1 is passed i.e firstname=peter but you wont get lastname parameter, because you didn't pass and its optional if u dont pass the parameter value and will take value as empty.

HostForLIFE.eu European WCF Hosting

HostForLIFE.eu is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes. We have customers from around the globe, spread across every continent. We serve the hosting needs of the business and professional, government and nonprofit, entertainment and personal use market segments.

Windows Server 2016 SSD Hosting - HostForLIFE.eu :: Dedicated Server Vs VPS For Game Hosting

clock December 14, 2018 10:28 by author Peter

There are many different types of servers, each with its own strengths and use cases. Dedicated servers and virtual private servers are the most popular in the game hosting world, but which is right for you?

Both provide a complete server environment on which you can run any software, including games. From the perspective of the user, dedicated servers and virtual private servers are similar, but which you choose depends on the requirements of the games and the number of players you intend to host.

Dedicated Server

A dedicated server is a physical computer in a data center. When you run software on a dedicated server, it runs on the “bare metal”. The full resources of the physical machine are available to the user and any software they run.

Virtual Private Server

A VPS is a virtual machine. You can think of it as a simulated server running in software — a hypervisor — on a dedicated server. That makes virtual servers flexible: they can be resized or moved to a different physical server.

Server hosting providers run many virtual private servers on a single dedicated server, each of which gets a slice of the server’s resources: RAM, storage, CPU, network bandwidth. When you lease a virtual server, you choose how big that slice is.

VPS hosts often oversell virtual servers, allocating more resources than the underlying physical server has in the hope that clients won’t need all of the allotted resources at the same time. Games need all the resources they can get, so overselling can cause contention and performance issues that affect gameplay.

Dedicated servers have resource limits too, but those limits are clearly displayed when the server is leased. Server hosting providers can’t oversell dedicated servers (although they might oversell network connectivity).

How To Choose A Game Server

Most games that can be self-hosted provide guidelines about the server resources they need. Check the requirements to make sure the server you choose is capable of running the game with the number of players you expect to host.

Add-ons, modules, and expansion packs can increase the amount of RAM and storage you need, so be sure to take that into account.

Cheap VPS

A low-powered cheap virtual private server won’t cut it. Inexpensive virtual servers — think $5-$10 — allocate minimal processing power and RAM. They don’t provide the resources needed by even a simple game.

For example, Minecraft requires a minimum of 2GB of RAM. The cheapest VPS game servers provide 1GB or less. With 2 GB, a VPS can support 1 - 4 players with acceptable performance. More than five players requires 3 GB and more than 10 requires 8 GB.

High-Powered VPS

Some VPS providers offer higher-powered virtual private servers with sufficient resources to host games. They are often marketed as hybrid servers: fewer virtual servers are hosted on the same dedicated servers and each server has more resources.

Hybrid servers can provide decent performance as a moderately busy game server. They are less expensive than dedicated servers, but the prices of the most powerful hybrid servers are in-line with similarly specified dedicated servers.

Dedicated Servers

Dedicated servers offer the best game performance. They range from moderately powerful machines ideal for small personal game servers with a handful of users to the most powerful single-chassis machines available.

A top-tier dedicated server may have multiple processors with dozens of cores, hundreds of gigabytes of RAM, and several terabytes of storage. They are capable of hosting hundreds of concurrent users without breaking a sweat.

You can expect to pay under $100 per month for a low-end dedicated server more powerful and reliable than most VPS’s on the market. For a top-tier dedicated server, you will pay in excess of $1000 per month.

A Word On Networking

Network performance is just as important as server performance. The most powerful dedicated server provides a poor gaming experience if it is hosted on a high-latency network.

Most hosting providers advertise the bandwidth they provide with each server: the amount of data the client can transfer in and out of the provider’s network. That is important, but make sure that the network is also optimized for low latencies (often referred to as ping rates by gamers).

In Conclusion

Your choice of a game server should take several factors into account,

  • The resource requirements of the games you intend to host
  • The number of concurrent users
  • Your budget

Generally speaking, a dedicated server is the best solution but a high-end virtual private server might be good enough, depending on the game and the number of users.

About HostForLIFE.eu

HostForLIFE.eu is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

We have offered the latest Windows 2016 Hosting, ASP.NET Core 2.2.1 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting and SQL 2017 Hosting.

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