Making money is serious business, and it does take time for every effort to nurture and mature. Online shopping is actually only a small part of the wilderness of e-commerce. Web shopping which includes online transactions stock, download the software directly from the web actually connecting businesses to consumers is only about 20% of the total e-commerce. In fact, more in the form of trade relations business to business that facilitates the process of purchasing between companies. Many people hope that the possible occurrence of micro-transactions that allow people to pay in the form of coins some thousand or hundred dollars to access content or games on the Internet. One CMS that is used to create an online shop is Magento.
Magento is a premium shopping platform that Provides a platform online store with reviews Reviews their hosting packages. Features on Magento especially reporting features. This online store also handles complex system of discounts and voucher systems that can be integrated with other systems. Magento is an online shop for professionals who need a shopping system with detailed reporting. Magento has two versions items, Community (Open Source) and Professional.
Magento released a new patch for the Community Edition 1.9 and Enterprise Edition 1.14 to address security issues, including remote code execution and information leak vulnerabilities.
Be sure to test the patch in a development environment first, as it can affect extensions and customizations :
You can download the patch for both Community Edition and Enterprise Edition from the following options:
- Partners: Go to the Partner Portal, select Technical Resources and then select Download from the Enterprise Edition panel. Next, navigate to Magento Enterprise Edition > Patches & Support and look for the folder titled “Security Patches – July-October.”
- Enterprise Edition Merchants: Go to My Account, select the Downloads tab, and then navigate to Magento Enterprise Edition > Support Patches. Look for the folder titled “Security Patches – October 2015” .Merchants can also upgrade to the latest version of the Enterprise Edition and receive the security fixes as part of the core code.
- Community Edition Merchants: Patches for earlier versions of Community Edition can be found on the Community Edition download page (look for SUPEE-67.88) Merchants can also upgrade today to the latest version of the Community Edition and receive the security fixes as part of the core code.
Before installing the patch check whether old patches are installed correctly. Some patches depend on other patches to be installed already.
Simply unpack the archive and replace files on your store by uploading app/ and lib/ folders into your Magento root directory.
If you use PHP opcode caches (APC/XCache/eAccelerator) make sure to flush it after patching, otherwise code will continue to run from caches.
If you have SSH access, it would be simpler to install the patch. Before installing the patch make sure to disable Magento Compiler at System > Configuration > Tools > Magento Compiler and clear compiled cache (if compiler is used).
If you have no SSH access, then to apply to the patch, you can simply upgrade your installation to the latest Magento version.
After the patch is installed successfully, check whether all CMS , home page, category pages and landing pages are running correctly without any issues. Magento security patch Supee 6788 affects the page layout, transaction emails and order confirmation notifications.
The Magento security patch supee 6788 has introduced new permissions for blocks, core variables on CMS pages, templates and extensions. You can add your blocks in the admin section under System -> Permissions -> Blocks, or via setup scripts adding to the permission_block table.
Also, check if any other pages or blocks or transactional emails have been affected. Magento Hosting revolutionized hosting with Plesk Control Panel, a Web-based interface that provides customers with 24x7 access to their server and site configuration tools. Plesk completes requests in seconds. It is included free with each hosting account. Renowned for its comprehensive functionality - beyond other hosting control panels - and ease of use, Plesk Control Panel is available only to HostForLIFE's customers. They offer a highly redundant, carrier-class architecture, designed around the needs of shared hosting customers.