Angular is a popular and capable framework for developing online apps. View Encapsulation is one of its core characteristics, and it is essential for regulating component styling and behavior. In this article, we'll look into View Encapsulation in Angular, why it's important, and how it works.

What exactly is View Encapsulation?
View Encapsulation is a key notion in Angular that helps to keep styles and behaviors isolated for specific components. It ensures that styles defined in one component do not have an impact on other components in the application. This encapsulation protects your code from unforeseen side effects and encourages modularity and reusability.
View Encapsulation Types
View Encapsulation in Angular comes in three flavors.
Emulated (Default): This is Angular's default behavior. The styles defined in a component's CSS are scoped to that component's view in Emulated View Encapsulation. Angular accomplishes this by adding unique properties to the component's HTML elements. To guarantee that the styles only apply to the component's view, these characteristics are utilized as selectors in the resulting CSS.
/* Component CSS */ .my-component { color: red; }
<!-- Generated HTML -->
<div _ngcontent-c1 class="my-component">Hello, World!</div>
Shadow DOM: Angular uses the browser's native Shadow DOM encapsulation in this mode. Each component is assigned its own Shadow DOM, which separates the component's styling and DOM structure from the rest of the page. This approach offers a high level of encapsulation, but it may be incompatible with outdated browsers.
None: When you select None, Angular does not apply any encapsulation, and the styles defined in a component's CSS file influence the entire application. While this mode is useful in some situations, it should be utilized with caution to avoid unwanted consequences.
How Do I Select the Best Encapsulation Mode?
Choosing the Correct View Encapsulation mode is determined by the requirements and goals of your project:
Emulated: This is the preferred mode for most applications. It strikes a decent compromise between encapsulation and compatibility, and it works effectively in most cases.
Shadow DOM: Use this option if you need a greater level of encapsulation and are developing a modern application for browsers that support Shadow DOM.
None: Use None only when absolutely necessary, such as for global styles that must apply to the entire application. When utilizing this option, be cautious because it can cause style conflicts and maintenance issues.
How Do You Define View Encapsulation?
The View Encapsulation mode for a component can be specified using the encapsulation attribute in the component's metadata. As an example:
selector: 'app-my-component',
templateUrl: './my-component.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./my-component.component.css'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated
export class MyComponent {}
View Encapsulation is an important feature of Angular that helps maintain clean, modular, and reusable code by segregating component styles and actions. It gives developers the freedom to select the level of encapsulation that best meets the needs of their project. Whether you use Emulated, Shadow DOM, or None, understanding and skillfully employing View Encapsulation will help your Angular applications succeed by fostering clean and maintainable code.
Good luck with your studies :)